Twins of Evil

The good people at Network continue their 'British Film' series with this remastered blu-ray of one of Hammer Karnstein epics and a creepy one it is too.

Two beautiful twins move from Vienna into the country to live with Uncle, Gustav who happens to be Peter Cushing and a witch finder/vampire killing bad ass in the way only Peter Cushing could be. Of course with the creepy Count Karnstein on the prowl, the twins soon become the title of the film.  Karnstein is up to no good with satanic practices abound and soon becomes a vampire.

Twins of Evil as you would expect drips in atmosphere, has a terrific music score, great sets and a sensational central performance from Mr Cushing.  The twins are sexy (they were in Playboy after all) their dubbed performance isn't bad but they are only really here for one thing, work it out.  Who would thought that director John Hough went on to work for Disney extensively and also make the Biggles movie.

For some reason Twins of Evil has always escaped me, don't know why as I have an extensive Hammer collection.  It's good fun and worth adding to the collection.  Damn, I really do love the Rank gong man at the start, makes you proud to be British.

  • Starring Peter Cushing  Mary Collinson  Madelaine Collinson  David Warbeck
  • Director John Hough
  • Distributor Network