The Pigman Murders

A group of friends decide to make a homemade documentary showing their trek up an Irish mountain as this was one of their late friend Brendan's favourite places.  They hire a professional cameraman to document the journey and after meeting up they all set off.

Yes, The Pigman Murders is another 'found footage' epic shot on a low budget, but this film is a little bit different.  For starters, the footage is presented jumpy and glitchy as it is says at the beginning it is culled from an internet source after the group go missing. This initially got on my nerves but I quicky warmed to it and it became essential to the enjoyment of the film.  Also, it's edited almost like a home video with chatty friends and fun escapades.  Suddenly, the bickering starts.

The film draws you in voyeuristically (is that a word?) and you never quite know if and when the 'Pigman' will turn up creating a fair bit of tension and at times dread.  Acting wise it comes across occasionally I feel a little bit forced, but the performances are generally quite natural and blend in with the style of the film.

It's not the best 'found footage' film out there, but it is definately one of the better ones and worth a bash if the FF genre is your thing.

  • Starring John Berry  Gerard Fallon  Eugene Horan
  • Director Stephen Patrick Kenny
  • Distributor 88 Films