The 'Burbs

Ray Peterson (Tom Hanks) has a week off work, he intends to relax and take things easy however there are new neighbours on his street and Ray along with the other home owners become obsessed who is now living there.

Ray is helped or hindered in his quest by an army nut (Bruce Dern) and his best pal Art whose wife is away for a few days.  All they know is the family is called the Klopeks and the previous occupiers mysteriously left one day.  The film follows their antics as they are determined to find out what's really going on in the basement and why has the eiderly resident Walter disappeared.  All the goings-on are witnessed and thoughly enjoyed by another neiughbour Corey Feldman who uses it as an excuse to have his mates round for a laugh and even have a date night.

Slaptick humour and sly wit is the order of the day for this film along with totally brilliant performances from all the cast.  Hanks plays his everyman role to perfection and the supporting cast including the great Henry Gibson as Dr. Klopek more than hold their own. Dante regulars Robert Picado and Dick Miller turn up as Garbage Men puzzled why someone would go through their neighbour's rubbish.

Expertly directed by Joe Dante (who rarely ever puts a foot wrong) from a sparkling script from Dana Olsen, the film also has a beautiful score from Jerry Goldsmith and is a priceless piece of quality entertainment.

Arrow's blu-ray is remastered from original elements and features a commentary, alternative ending, trailer and the original workprint from Dante's collection.  Although mastered from a VHS source and a bit rough looking, it's interesting how the film changed from the original cut to the version we all now know.

Great stuff and yet again Arrow prove they are the UK's answer to Criteron.

  • Starring Tom Hanks  Carrie Fisher  Rick Ducommun  Corey Feldman
  • Director Joe Dante
  • Distributor Arrow Video