Butcher Boys aka Boneboys

Four friends are travelling home after celebrating one of their Birthdays, unfortunately due to one of them upsetting some dudes in a convenience store they race off into the night followed by those same two guys.  After an incident involving a dog, they come across a psychotic gang hellbent on killing all of them.  The two dudes soon bite the dust and the friends are pursued by these nutters. These guys are so scary even the local police and other gangs avoid them.

Soon enough there is only one survivor, Sissy who is captured by the gang and has to escape their clutches.  It turns out these guys are not only bonkers but cannibals as well.  Conveniently they run a rather scary nightclub/restaurant where people equally as barmy can enjoy their unique 'meals'.  At this point the film takes a rather Texas Chainsaw'esque vibe with a dinner scene and a Leatherface type villain lurking in the background (TCM's Kim Henkel wrote it).  Also, keep an eye out for Chainsaw cast members in cameos.

There is plenty of nasty violence in a real urban nightmare which resembles TCM quite a lot in a City setting.  The film also has a nice sound design with good use of the surrounds complete with a terrific score.  Not really that original but incredibly entertaining with some real sick characters and situations.  I really dug it and can't recommend highly enough for those who likes their horror a little bit twisted and odd.

  • Starring Ali Faulkner  Johnny Walter  Sonny Carl Davis  Gregory Kelly
  • Directors Duane Graves and Justin Meeks
  • Distributor 101 Films